Apr 6 2023

All Eyes on Haiti: Occupations, Migrations, and Reparations

April 6, 2023

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM America/Chicago

gallery visitors


Chicago, IL 60608


Free and Open to the Public

Please join the UIC Social Justice Initiative in collaboration with EqualHealth, a global community of health professionals, educators, and activists dedicated to the fight for health equity, for All Eyes on Haiti: Occupations, Migrations, and Reparations, Thursday, April 6th at 4:00 pm CT.

The Haitian people are in the grips of a worsening humanitarian crisis marked by political instability, surging gang violence, a cholera outbreak, as well as food and fuel shortages exacerbated by staggering inflation. As Haitian migrants and asylum seekers search for safety outside of their homeland, they are facing egregious anti-Black racism from the neighboring Dominican Republic, the United States, and other nations.

SJI and EqualHealth along with Haitian activists and care providers will discuss the current situation in Haiti.

The event will have live Creole interpretation.

Guest speakers include:

  • Guerline Jozef is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Haitian Bridge Alliance (HBA), a U.S.-based nonprofit organization that advocates for fair and humane immigration policies.
  • Dr. Michelle Morse (moderator) serves as board chair of EqualHealth and Founding Co-Director. Dr. Morse is the inaugural Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Commissioner for the Center for Health Equity and Community Wellness at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
  • Manoucheka Celeste is Black feminist media scholar and Associate Professor in Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois, Chicago.
  • Youri Louis is a physician originally trained in Haiti and a founding member of a local Haitian organization working for health equity and social justice.
  • Toni Eyssallenne is the Senior Medical Advisor in the Chief Medical Officer Office at the NYC Health Department and practices Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Strong Children Wellness in Queens, NY.


Kreyòl Translation

Tanpri rantre nan Inisyativ Jistis Sosyal UIC an ki an kolaborasyon ak EqualHealth, yon kominote mondyal pwofesyonèl lasante, edikatè, ak aktivis ki dedye nan batay pou ekite nan lasante pou depase fwontyè yo, pou Tout Je sou Ayiti: Okipasyon, Migrasyon, ak Reparasyon.

Pèp ayisyen an nan yon kriz imanitè k ap vin pi grav epi ki make pa enstabilite politik, vyolans gang k ap ogmante, yon epidemi kolera, ansanm ak mank manje ak gaz ki vin pi grav akòz yon enflasyon boulvèsan. Pandan imigran ayisyen yo ak moun k ap chèche azil yo ap chèche sekirite andeyò peyi yo, yo ap fè fas ak gwo zak rasis kont Moun Nwa nan men Repiblik Dominikèn, Etazini ak lòt nasyon nan vwazinaj yo.

SJI ak EqualHealth ansanm ak aktivis ayisyen yo ak founisè swen sante yo pral diskite sou sitiyasyon aktyèl la an Ayiti.

Registration via Eventbrite: AllEyesonHaiti.eventbrite.com




Social Justice Initiative

Date posted

Apr 6, 2023

Date updated

Apr 6, 2023